Week 1: 17Marginal victory against Jeremy: 11
First game with him: 5
40% core (on the nose): 1
Battle highlight: My archers roll insane heroism to hold against chaos knights and save the victory. Never thought they had it in them.
Week 2: 20Solid victory against Steve: 13
First time playing him: 5
No duplicated magic items (took an attacky mage, rather than a defender): 1
Unit in his deployment zone: 1
Battle High(or should it be 'low'?)light: Steve and I both getting stomped on by psychology. He couldn't pass a stupidity test and I couldn't pass a fear test. Gotta love cowardly elves vs. developmentally disabled lizards.Week 3: 11 PointsLoss to Seth (skavenguy74): 5
First time playing him: 5 points
Had a spear elf unit with 25 models: 1 point
Battle highlight: My White Lions ending a clanrat unit and a slave unit in two turns.
Battle lowlight: Gutter runners wrecking my artillery, swordmasters and mages (roughly half my points). All credit to Seth for playing them in a wise and courageous manner.
Week 4: 11 PointsLoss to Corey (chambersUSMC): 5
First time playing him: 5 points
Cast "Fury of Khaine" with irresistible force: 1
Battle highlight: Shooting down the masque while Devin looked on approvingly (still a little mystified as to why, but I gathered that he had a history with her
Lowlight: My mage exploding herself (and 4 swordmasters) with miscasts. Must be the daemons messing with the winds of magic!
Week 5: 22 PointsMassacre against Chuck (Hardihar): 15
First time playing him: 5 points
Left out the banner of sorcery: 1
Controlled more table quarters at the end of the game
Battle highlight: Finding a use for dragon armor for the second week in a row.
Lowlight: Not much, and certainly Chuck has MUCH more to complain about in the luck department than me. But I will remember failing every fear test I had to make with my dragon princes.
Week 6: 21 PointsMassacre against Ross: 15
First time playing him: 5 points
Killed all his characters with none of my own dead: 1
Battle highlight: Chopping down a dwarf king with swordmasters.
Lowlight: Watching as my eagles exploded from organ gun fire. So much for war machine hunting!
Week 7: 10 PointsMassacred by Ben: 5
First time playing him: 5 points
No bonus points (a naked general - I think not!)
Battle highlight: Eating about half Ben's army with my Star Dragon.
Lowlight: Tie for getting my Sun Dragon shot out from under my Dragon Mage on turn 1 and Ben passing a critical leadership test on a 4. Those sure were brave rats...
League Total: 112